Seit 1982 verbringt Carlo
Bergmann die Hälfte des Jahres in der Libyschen Wüste. Alleine
wandernd, seine Kamele im Schlepptau, folgt er längst
verlassenen, alten Karawanenwegen. Auf diesen Wanderungen machte
er sensationelle Entdeckungen.
Since 1982 Carlo Bergmann has been spending his
(winter) time in the Libyan Desert. Mostly walking alone, his camels
on his coat-tails, he followed long forgotten caravan roads. 'Reading'
the barren landscape while covering more than 75,000 desert-kilometres
on foot rewarded him with exeptional discoveries.
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Carlo Bergmann, Amur, Ashan and Maqfi at Djedefre' s Water Mountain. Parts of
the dry stone wall of the 4th dynasty camp to be seen in the background.
(image by Janine El-Saghir)